Your Business: What Your Boss Needs You to Know
Case Study Summary
In many cases, a ready-to-go workshop is the most effective option. The Your Business: What Your Boss Needs You to Know (WYBNYTK) workshop teaches business leaders how to assess and evaluate financial information. Any business. There are five simple and powerful “Business Factors” your boss needs you to know and apply every day. This workshop is designed to provide learners with lots of practice and engagement with these "Business Factors."
The Solution
During this interactive and engaging one-day session, participants will learn how these factors impact department results, and how to use them to interpret the company’s financial reports. To succeed in their business, they must understand the interdependence of the five "Business Factors." I will challenge them to apply business thinking to the decisions they make. To encourage learners' application at work, I ask them to brainstorm and/or select from a menu 10-15 ways they can advocate and improve on each "Business Factor."
The agenda includes:
The Business Awareness Challenge
The Five Business Factors In-Depth: Margin, Cash Flow, Asset Speed, Growth, and People
The Cash Conversion Cycle
Fluency Builders – Common Terms, Concepts, and Principles
Common KPI: Returns, Margins, Working Capital, Inventory Turns, DSO, Quick Ratio, and more.
Applications and Follow Through
The Results
Several participants expressed their appreciation for the accessibility of the content and the learning approach used in the course. One client reported that program participants are more eager to engage in continuous improvement efforts.
To make the material relevant, I use a lot of review activities, presentations, examples, and discussions. The participants tell me they are now able to listen more intentionally to quarterly results reports and reviews of business performance on an annual basis. The "line of sight" between their work and the performance of the company is apparent to them.